Eating foods that contain protein and carbohydrates can be nutrition for workout recovery. Some experts suggest eating immediately after a workout to get the most out of your landing. There is a lot that goes into planning an exercise to achieve a goal. Part of the effort is food. Consuming proper nutrition after exercise is just as important as eating before exercise.

Nutrition for Workout Recovery Rebuild Fresh Muscle in the Body
After a particularly hard workout, you need to pay attention to your body with food. When exercising, the muscles will use glycogen which is a source of fuel, especially during high-intensity training. So that the muscles will run out of some of the glycogen and some of the protein in the muscles can be broken down.
After exercise the body will rebuild glycogen stores and grow the protein. Consuming the right nutrients can help the body finish it faster. So it is very important to consume protein and carbohydrates after exercise.
Carbohydrates Help Body Recovery
Glycogen stores in the body that are lost during exercise can be restored by consuming carbohydrates. The rate of use of glycogen stores depends on activity. Endurance sports will use up more glycogen.
If you want to participate in endurance sports, such as running, swimming, etc., you need to consume more carbohydrates. Carbohydrate intake recommendations lead to nutrition for workout recovery. Several studies on this topic have only involved male athletes, so it is not clear whether female athletes need a different intake.
The Presence of Protein Helps Build and Repair Muscles
Doing exercise can trigger the breakdown of muscle protein. The speed with which this breakdown occurs depends on practice and level of practice. Consuming adequate amounts of protein throughout the day can provide the body with amino acids to repair and rebuild proteins. It can also help you provide the building blocks of new muscle tissue.
His recommendation is to divide protein intake throughout the day at 3-hour intervals. Depending on body weight, the recommendation is to consume 20-40 g of protein every 3-4 hours. These protein levels when consumed can maximize the body’s ability to recover after exercise.
Fat Provides Several Benefits
Many think that eating fatty foods after exercise will slow down digestion and hinder the absorption of nutrients in the body. A study shows that whole milk is more effective at increasing muscle growth after exercise than skim milk.
Other studies have shown that muscle glycogen synthesis is not affected even when consuming a high-fat diet, 45% of energy is from fat after exercise. Although it still requires a lot of research on this topic.
Post Workout Meal Time
The body’s ability to rebuild glycogen and protein increases after exercise. The recommendation to consume carbohydrates and protein is as soon as possible after exercising. Experts recommend eating a post-workout meal after 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Nutrition for workout recovery can help supply the body with the right nutrients for adequate recovery and maximizing training. Choose foods that are easy to digest to speed up the absorption of nutrients.